Daily Swim Workout #51: Technique: Roll & Kick

Technique: Roll + Kick 1375

Technique: Roll + Kick 2800

2 rounds (900)of... (150free 125 of 25 high elbow scull/25free 100 IM 75 kick on side or back.) MS: 2 rounds of... (600 aerobic as: 50Straight arm drill/100 alternating 6 strokes SA drill and 6 strokes free/50 faster pace perfect tech free. That gives you 200 so x3 to get 600. on 4 red line. *Do 2nd round 600 w/paddles. 6x50 kick: 1 on side, 4 with board best possible average fast, 1 ez on side, on 3 red line. ) 100 w.d

Technique: Roll + Kick 5000

2 rounds (900)of... (150free 125 of 25 high elbow scull/25free 100 IM 75 kick choice.) MS: 4 rounds of... (600 aerobic see below. 8x50 kick: 2 on side, 4 with board best possible average fast, 2 as surf kick/25 fly on back on 3 red line. ) ODD rounds 600 is paddles and is 50SA/100 as 6 strokes SA, 6 strokes free/50 faster pace perfect tech free x3 on 4 red line. EVEN rounds 600 is with 75RA/25fr/75LA/25fr/200IM /75RA/25fr/75LA/25fr on 4 red line rest. After MS, 100 w.d
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