Daily Swim Workout #13: Speed and Strength

Today's workout combines speed and strength together. Our goal is to fatigue your arms a bit and then work on having you resist fatigue at the top end of your power. If the beginner set is too long for you, cut the second round off the main set and modify the warm-up per your own comfort level.

Beginner Swim Workout 1300

Intermediate Swim Workout 2600

Warm Up: 400 as 75 free/ 25 non-free choice 4x100 as 8-10 strokes fast off each wall Main Set: 2 rounds... (2 x 150 as 50 fast/ 25 easy 20" rest 300 easy 50 paddles/ 50 free / 50 right arm drill / 50 left arm drill / 50 free/ 50 drill choice) 30" rest After Main Set: 4 x 125 Pull Set on 15" Rest Cool Down: 100 easy.

Advanced Swim Workout 5100

Warm Up: 600 as 75 free/ 25 non-free choice 6x100 as 8-10 strokes fast off each wall Main Set: 2 rounds... (2x250 as 50 fast/ 25 easy/ 25 fast/ 50 easy / 50 fast on 20" rest 500 aerobic as 100 paddles/ 100 free / 100 right arm drill / 100 left arm drill / 100 free ) 30" rest After Main Set: , Paddles 4 rounds... All strong and smooth (150 on 15" rest 125 last 25 back 15" rest. 100 on 10" rest. 75 all back easier on 20" rest) Cool Down: 100 easy. Happy Swimming These workouts are based on workouts written by Olympic Triathlete Barb Lindquist. Learn more about coaching and how Barb can help you achieve your maximum potential at BarbLindquist.com
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