Daily Swim Workout #224: Speed

Speed 1500

400 every 4th length HE scull drill with a hard kick! Main Set 20x50 as... 8 on 10" rest every 4th all out. ** If you need 30" rest here, that is OK to get HR down. 6 on 15" rest every 3rd all out. 4 on 20" rest every 2nd all out. 2 on 25" rest all all out! Cool Down 100

Speed 2500

400 every 4th length HE scull drill with a hard kick! 40x50 as... 16 on 50 every 4th all out. ** If you need 30" rest here, that is OK to get HR down. 12 on 55 every 3rd all out. 8 on 1' every 2nd all out. 4 on 1:05 all all out! 100 w/d.

Speed 5000

1000 as 200Swim/200K/200S/200Dr/200IM.

6x150 odds 25F/25E, Evens 50fist/50build/50fast but not all out on 2:10.


16x50 every 4th all out on 45.

12x75 every 3rd all out on 1:05.

8x100 every 2nd all out on 1:30.

4x125 all all out, but broken! You get 10" on #1 after the 25, #2 10" at the 50, #3 10" at the 75, #4 10" at the 100. On 2:10 so good rest!

100 w/d.

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