Daily Swim Workout #228: Speed Endurance

Speed Endurance 1400

300 every 3rd length choice of drill 200 every 2nd fast. MS: All on 40" rest 2x100 all out 4x100 #1 all out, then ascending (getting slower!) by 1-2" 2x100 all out Cool Down 100 easy

Speed Endurance 2600

300 every 3rd length shark drill (see attachment). 200 every 2nd fast. 100 threshold effort. MS: 2 rounds of... (2x100 all out on 2'. 4x100 #1 all out, then ascending (getting slower!) by 1-2" each one on 2’. 2x100 all out on 2'. 100 easy on 2:30.)

Speed Endurance 5000

400 every 4th length choice drill.

300 every 3rd fly kick on back.

200 every 2nd fast.

100 threshold effort.

50 easy.

14x50 as 4 minipower rack, 3 desc 1-3. Repeat on 50.

MS: 2 rounds of...

(3x100 all out on 2', do a 25 ez after the 100 fast.

5x100 #1 all out, then ascending (getting slower!) by 1-2" each one on 1:50.

3x100 all out on 2', do a 25 ez after the 100.

200 easy on 3:30.)

After MS, kick 300 no board steady.

50 w/d.

** Mini power rack= #1 12.5fast, #2 25F, #3 37.5F, #4 50fast.

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