Daily Swim Workout #245: Race Simulation

Race Simulation 1600

Warm Up 400 every 4th length HE scull, alternating press, back, choice. 300 as 25 very fast/25 easy back/25 very easy fist MS: 4x50 get out speed on 15-20" rest. 100 as 25 get out speed/75 transitioning to middle of race pace on 25" rest. 400 middle of race pace. Focus! 20" rest. Cool Down 200 very easy choice

Race Simulation 2500

400 every 4th length HE scull, alternating press, back, choice. 300 as 25 very fast/25 easy back/25 very easy fist MS: 2 rounds of.... (4x50 get out speed on 55-60. 100 as 25 get out speed/75 transitioning to middle of race pace on 1:40. 400 middle of race pace. Focus! 20" rest. 200 very easy choice.)

Race Simulation 5000

800 every 4th length HE scull, alternating press, back, choice.

6x100 with paddles and band, desc 1-3, 4-6 NS from threshold to fast on 1:30.

200 as 25 very fast/25 very easy.

MS: 3 rounds of....

(4x50 get out speed on 45.

100 as 25 get out speed/75 transitioning to middle of race pace on 1:20.

400 middle of race pace. Focus! 20" rest.

200 very easy choice.)

After MS,

3x200 odds IM on 3', evens 50RA/polo/LA/polo on 3:15.

100 w/d

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