Daily Swim Workout #262: Pure Speed & Technique

Pure Speed + Technique 1100

Warm up 500 as 75free/50drill. MS: On 15" rest (200 off each wall 4 strokes fast for the 1st 25, 5strokes fast for the 2nd 25, 6 strokes, 7 strokes, repeat back to 4 strokes for the first 25 of the 2nd 100. 150 as 12.5Fast/12.5 easy/50 overkick/12.5Fast/12.5easy/50 build. 100 off each wall long streamline with strong kick + 3 fast breakout strokes. 50 easy on 4-5 red line rest.) Cool Down 100 choice ** Overkick= very hard kick with very easy and SLOW arms. You will get like 10-16 kicks per arm pull. Arms just going through the motion, legs working. BUT, hard legs does not mean BIG circumference legs! Keep the legs small and tight in their space.

PS + Technique 2500

500 as 75free/50drill. MS: On 3 red line rest. 2 rounds of.... (200 off each wall 4 strokes fast for the 1st 25, 5strokes fast for the 2nd 25, 6 strokes, 7 strokes, repeat back to 4 strokes for the first 25 of the 2nd 100. 150 as 12.5Fast/12.5 easy/50 overkick/12.5Fast/12.5easy/50 build. 100 off each wall long streamline with strong kick + 3 fast breakout strokes. 50 easy on 4-5 red line rest.) 1000 straight as 50 shark drill/50 focus on stiff forearm on entry/50 armpit drill/50 perfect stroke x5. If you need to rest 10-15” between 200’s you can. ** Overkick= very hard kick with very easy and SLOW arms. You will get like 10-16 kicks per arm pull. Arms just going through the motion, legs working. BUT, hard legs does not mean BIG circumference legs! Keep the legs small and tight in their space.

PS + Technique 4800

1000 as 75free/50drill.

MS: On 1:30/100 base.

2 rounds of....

(200 off each wall 4 strokes fast, 5strokes fast, 6, 7 x2.

150 as 12.5Fast/12.5 easy/50 overkick/12.5Fast/12.5easy/50 build.

100 off each wall long streamline with strong kick + 3 fast breakout strokes.

50 easy on 1'.)

800 50 shark drill/50 focus on stiff forearm on entry/50 armpit drill/50 perfect stroke x4. 20" rest.

Repeat the 2 rounds of 200/15/100/50 and then repeat the 800 but with paddles.

After MS,

6x200 IM odds normal, evens reverse on 3:10. Just aerobic. #6 easy w/d.

** Overkick= very hard kick with very easy and SLOW arms. You will get like 10-16 kicks per arm pull. Arms just going through the motion, legs working. BUT, hard legs does not mean BIG circumference legs! Keep the legs small and tight in their space.

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