Daily Swim Workout #278: Aerobic

Aerobic 1200

400 every 4th 50 as 25HEscull/25build. MS: Aerobic effort, not sloppy though. 15-20" rest 200 free. 2x100 as 25 polo/25free. 300 free with paddles. Cool Down 100

Aerobic 2400

400 every 4th 50 as 25HEscull/25build. MS: Aerobic effort, not sloppy though. 3-4 red line rest. 200 free. 2x100 as 25 polo/25free. 300 free with paddles. 2x150 as 100IM/50 free. 400 free. 2x200 as 25polo/bk/breast pull with hard flutter kick/free 100 w/d.

Aerobic 5100

800 every 4th 50 as 25HEscull/25build.

14x50 on 50, 4 as minipower rack, 3 as desc 1-3.

100 easy.

MS: Let the intervals be your guide.

200 free on 2:50.

2x100 on 1:20.

300 free on 4:15.

2x150 as 100IM/50 free on 2:15.

400 on 5:40.

2x200 every 4th 25 back on 2:45.

500 on 7:05.

4x125 as 25polo/fr/bk/fr/breast pull with hard flutter kick on 1:55? (think 3 line rest interval).

600 on 8:30.

100 w/d.

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