Daily Swim Workout #281: Aerobic

Aerobic 2500

500 as 100free building through set/100 of 25drill and 25free/50overkick. MS: 2 rounds of... (175free on 15" rest. 150- odd rounds fl/fr/bk/fr/br/fr, even rounds 25polo/25fly or fast breast pull arms with a hard flutter kick/25free on 15" rest. 125free a bit harder effort than the others on 20" rest.) Cool Down 50

Aerobic 2500

500as 100free building through set/100 of 25drill and 25free/50overkick. 6x25 band + paddles on 40”. Press that T (see handout) to keep the hips up! MS: 4 rounds of... (175free on 3 red line rest. 150- odd rounds fl/fr/bk/fr/br/fr, even rounds 25polo/25fly or fast breast pull arms with a hard flutter kick/25free on 3 red line. 125free a bit harder effort than the others on 4 red line rest.) 50 w/d.

Aerobic 5000

1000as 100free- build through set/100 of 25drill and 25free/50overkick.

8x100 band+ paddles, odds on 1:25, evens last 25 back on 1:30.

MS: 6 rounds of...

(175free on 2:30.

150- odd rounds fl/fr/bk/fr/br/fr on 2:15, even rounds 25polo/25fly/25freeon 2:15.

125free on 1:50 but hold sub 1:35.)

After MS,

100 easy

6x50 as 25F/25 easy back on 50.

100 w/d.

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