Threshold 1400
200 w/u on 20" rest with light stretch on wall. 125 on 15" rest- getting into set. 200 on 30" rest. 2 x 125, #1 on 15" rest, #2 on 10" rest 200 on 30" rest 125 on 25" rest 200 Cool Down 100 ** Adjust intervals, but have the 200’s stay steady and the 125’s get slightly more challenging through the set.Threshold 2800
4x200 w/u on 4 red line rest with light stretch on wall. #1 free, #2 mix in drill or kick as needed, #3 build each 50 so end of each 50 is fast, #4 build so last 100 of 200 is threshold. 1x125 on 2:05- getting into set. 3x200 on 3:20. 2x125 odds 2:05, evens 2'. 2x200 on 3:20. 3x125 on 2'. 1x200 on 3:20. 100 w/d. ** Adjust intervals, but have the 200’s stay steady and the 125’s get slightly more challenging through the set.Threshold 5100
4x250 w/u on 4 red line rest with light stretch on wall. #1 free, #2 mix in drill or kick as needed, #3 build each 50 so end of each 50 is fast, #4 build so last 100 of 200 is threshold then last 50 easy. go right into...
2x125 on 1:45- getting into set.
3x250 on 3:30.
4x125 odds 1:40, evens 1:35.
2x250 on 3:20.
6x125 on 1:35.
1x250 on 3:10.
8x125 as 2 on 1:45, 2 on 1:40, 1:45, 1:35, 1:45, 1:35.
100 w/d.