Today we'll be going a little bit faster in the pool. If the beginner set is a little long for you, just chop out the second round of the main set.
Speed sets focus on your ability to generate maximum power. You'll notice in the set today I've marked the efforts "fast, faster, fastest" as the lengths get shorter. This means you also get the chance to learn how to pace yourself and push it at the same time.
Beginner Swim Workout 1100 Meters:
Intermediate Swim Workout 2500 Meters
Warm Up: 500 as 75 free/25 kick on side9x50 desc 1-3 on 20 seconds rest50 easy.Main Set: 2 x (75 Fast on 10" rest, 50 Faster on 20" rest, 25 Fastest on 20" rest, 100 easy on 1 minute rest.)2 x 200 Aerobic recovery. (Optional paddles on second 200)2 x (75-50-25-100 as above.)Cool Down100 easy freestyle
Advanced Swim Workout 5000 Meters
Warm Up800 w/u every 4th length back or kick.2 x 250 as (100 Smooth and Strong, 75 building each 25, 50 smooth and strong, 25 fast on 30-40 seconds rest)
Main Set:2 x (75 Fast on 10" rest, 50 Faster on 20" rest, 25 Fastest on 20" rest, 100 easy on 1 minute rest.)400 aerobic with paddles (pull buoy optional)2 x (75-50-25-100 as above.)400 IM aerobic. 20-30"rest.2 x (75-50-25-100 as above.)400 aerobic hold paddles to lengthen your arm reach (no pull buoy)2 x (75-50-25-100 as above.)After Main Set:2 x 100 pull set (optional, use band on ankles instead of pull buoy)
100 Kick on side (alternate right and left every other length)
Cool Down200 w/d.
After all that's said and done. As always. Stretch it out!
Happy Swimming.
These workouts are based on workouts written by Olympic Triathlete Barb Lindquist. Learn more about coaching and how Barb can help you achieve your maximum potential at