Daily Swim Workout #311: Threshold

Threshold 1550

400 every 4th length breast pull with strong flutter kick. MS: All on 15" rest, negative split each rep. 300 250 200 150 100 50 easy Cool Down 100 choice

Threshold 2600

400 every 4th breast pull with strong flutter kick. MS:2 rounds of... 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50 easy on 30”rest. Round #1 on 2 red line rest. Round #2 on 3 red line rest, BUT negative split each rep. 100 w/d.

Threshold 5000

800 every 4th breast pull with flutter kick.

16x100 ODDS 50drill/50build on 2 red line rest, EVENS 50fast/50 easy fist on 2 red line rest.

MS:2 rounds of...

300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50 easy on 1'.

Round #1 on 1:20/100 base.

Round #2 on 1:25/100 base (250=3:30, 150=2:10) negative split.

After MS:

8x50 minipower rack on 50.

100 w/d.

** minipower rack= #1 12.5Fast, #2 25Fast, #3 37.5Fast, #4 50Fast.

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