Threshold 1400
400 as 150fr/100dr/50k/100fr MS: These 300's in the MS are all NS (negative split, second half faster than the first half) and descend. Start out cruisy to build from there! 300 on 20" rest, NS and descend. 3x100 on 15" rest. 300 on 20" rest, NS and descend Cool Down 100Threshold 2500
400 as 150fr/100dr/50k/100fr 10x50 as 4 minipower rack, 3 desc, 2 NS to all out, 1 easy on 55. MS: 300 on 4 red line rest, NS and descend. These 3x 300's in the MS are all NS (negative split, second half faster than the first half) and descend. Start out cruisy to build from there! 3x100 on 3 red line rest. 300 on 4 red line rest, NS and descend 3x100 on 3 red line rest. 300 on 4 red line rest, NS and descend 100 w/d.Threshold 5200
900 as 150free/100IM/50k, 150fr/100dr/50k, 150fr/100IM/50k.
6x100 band + pdls on 1:35, 30, 25.
10x50 as 4 minipower rack, 3 desc, 2 NS to all out, 1 easy on 50.
500 on 7:30. These 3x 500's in the MS are all Neg split (NS) and descend. Start out cruisy to build from there!
4x125 on 1:40.
500 on 7:15 NS and descend
4x125 Odds fl/fr/bk/fr/br EVENS 100IM+25polo on 2'.
500 on 7' NS and descend
4x125 w/ paddles on 1:35
200 w/d.