600 as 100fr/50band only- feel hips up.
MS: 12x100 aerobic on 3 red line rest.
#1 First 12.5 of each 50 as teeter totter.
#2 First 25 as rotating kick.
#3 Band only.
#4 Free with a little effort- feel butt cheeks on surface.
After MS:
12x25 as 2 sprint, 1 easy on 30-40".
400 kick as 25really fast/25 really easy but thinking about kicking in a small circumference- with board.
100 w/d.
Body Position + Kicking 4750
900 as 100fr/50band only- feel hips up.
MS: 24x100 aerobic on 3 red line rest.
#1 First 12.5 of each 50 as teeter totter.
#2 First 25 as rotating kick.
#3 Band only.
#4-6 free, slight descend to strong- feel butt cheeks on surface.
After MS:
18x25 as 2 sprint, 1 easy on 25/25/30.
900 kick as 25really fast surf kick/25 really easy on side but thinking about kicking in a small circumference/50fast flutter with board/50fly kick on back solid.
100 w/d.