** minipower rack = #1 as 12.5fast, #2 25F, #3 37.5F, #4 all fast.
Pure Speed 2600
400 every 4th 50 as 25back/25fly k on back.
8x50 minipower rack on 55-1'.
300 aerobic as odd lengths streamline underwater as long as you can/even lengths breast pull w/flutter kick.
10x50 as odds 8 strokes fast off each wall, evens 25F/25E on 55-1'.
300 aerobic as 50RA/fr/LA/fr/polo/fr.
12x50 desc 1-3 to all out on 55-1'.
100 w/d.
** minipower rack = #1 as 12.5fast, #2 25F, #3 37.5F, #4 all fast.
Pure Speed 5000
800 every 4th 50 as 25back/25fly k on back.
6x100 band + paddles slight desc 1-3 on 1:30.
8x50 minipower rack on 50.
300 aerobic as odd lengths streamline underwater as long as you can/even lengths breast pull w/flutter kick.
10x50 as odds 8 strokes fast off each wall, evens 25F/25E on 50.
300 aerobic as 50RA/fr/LA/fr/polo/fr.
12x50 desc 1-3 to all out on 50.
300 aerobic as 3x100IM continuous.
14x50 banjo billy style, 1Fast, 1Ez, 2F, 1E...4F, 1E on 50".
100 w/d.
** minipower rack = #1 as 12.5fast, #2 25F, #3 37.5F, #4 all fast.
** Banjo billy style is just the pattern of 1F, 1E, 2F, 1E, 3F.....