** Take those all out efforts one at a time. No pacing for the whole set of quality. Your times may slow through the set, but eventually you will do sets like this with little drop off
Speed Endurance 2600
600 as 150fr/100dr/50k.
3x100 band + paddles on 3 red line rest.
6x50 as 3 desc, 3 as 25F/25E on 55-60.
MS:2 rounds of...
(100 all out on 2:15.
2x50 all out on 1:10.
100 all out on 2:15.
4x25 all out on 40".
100 al out on 2:15.
200 VERY easy on 30" rest.)
** Take those all out efforts one at a time. No pacing for the whole set of quality. Your times may slow through the set, but eventually you will do sets like this with little drop off
Speed Endurance 5000
900 as 150fr/100dr/50kick no board.
6x100 band + paddles on 1:30 desc 1-3.
12x50 as 3 desc, 3 as 25F/25E x 2 on 50.
MS:2 rounds of...
(100 all out on 2'.
4x25 all out on 30".
100 all out on 2'.
2x50 all out on 1'.
100 all out on 2'.
4x25 all out on 30".
100 all out on 2'.
200 VERY easy on 30" rest.)
After MS,
5x200IM aerobic on 3'.
100 w/d.
** Take those all out efforts one at a time. No pacing for the whole set of quality. Your times may slow through the set, but eventually you will do sets like this with little drop off.