300 every 3rd length kick on your side.
200 every 2nd length polo.
100 choice.
9x50 as 2 all out, 1 easy x3 on 1:10.
100 easy choice.
3x100 all out on 2:10.
100 easy choice.
6x50 as 2 all out, 1 easy x2 on 1:10.
100 easy choice.
1x100 all out on 2:10
350 easy choice, perfect stroke, slowing it down.
Speed Endurance 4800
400 every 4th length scull.
300 every 3rd kick choice.
200 every 2nd polo.
100 choice.
10x50 power rack on 50.
5x100 all out, 25 easy on 2'.
150 easy choice- take less than 15" rest.
8x50 all out, 25 easy on 1:10.
150 easy choice.
3x100 all out, 25 easy on 2'.
150 easy choice.
4x50 all out, 25 easy on 1:10.
150 easy choice.
1x100 all out, 25 easy on 2'.
125 easy choice.
After MS,
4x150 band + paddles, last 25 back, aerobic on 2:15.
100 w/d.
** If 2' isn't enough time to get at least 20" rest with the easy 25 in there, then change to 2:15.