How much pee is in the pool?
A team from the University of Alberta decided to find out this exact question. What they found over their three-week study was that there was between eight and 18 gallons depending on which of the two pools they studied you look at. How much is that exactly? Here's one way to think about it: in one pool you would find 85 cans of soda worth of pee. In the other pool you would find an astonishing 192 cans of soda worth of pee.
Is it a pee pool party now?
Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has famously admitted to peeing in the pool. If the pros are doing it isn't it okay? Even one in five adults who swim admit to having peed in the pool at least once. Because it's so common doesn't that make it a taboo that should disappear? Ignoring the cultural taboo there are actually some scientific reasons we shouldn't pee in the pool. Although urine itself is sterile there are some other things in it that react with chlorine. One of the most dangerous culprits is ammonia. When ammonia reacts with chlorine it creates a variety of nasty chemicals. This cloud fumes is often referred to as chlorine gas. These fumes are so hazardous to your health that large concentrations of this mixture were used as chemical weapons in World War I.