You may return from a strenuous workout feeling like death warmed up, but you certainly don’t go to gym wanting to get sick. Unfortunately, gyms are right up there with the worst when it comes to the amount of bacteria in them. Read more

You already know there are plenty of over-the-counter medications available for foot fungus. Maybe you tried them and they didn't work or maybe you want to try something more natural. In either case, there are definitely options for home remedies for foot fungus. What...
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You feel like your local gym is a place to unwind from the stresses of daily life and basically relax and get fit. However, it bears remembering that for bacteria and viruses your local gym is nothing s...
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Through my research on essentials oils that have antimicrobial properties I continue to see an alarming trend. Using essential oils straight from the bottle. Also commonly referred to as using essential oils "neat." You might think "it's natural, what's the problem?" You...
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In the previous post I talked about what causes stinky feet. Although there are 6 causes to what's happening with your funky feet, it boils down to two main culprits: bacteria...
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Have you ever been in a high school or college men's locker room? Then you have definitely been blasted in the face with the undeniable smell of stinky athletes. Body odor and stinky feet in particular are a common problem among athletes. Ladies are even included here: al...
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